Старый 17.08.2015, 10:05   #5
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По умолчанию Ответ: Атака на Агни Йогу в ТО Британии

Забавляют потуги этих "непредвзятых исследователей" представить ЕИР простым медиумом. Например, намекается, что ее медиумизм развился из-за применения ею пранаямы. И все ее боли тоже из-за этого.
Неоднократно ставится под сомнение, что Учителем ЕИР был Вл. М.
Ставится под сомнение качество и достоверность перевода Т.Д., сделанного ЕИР:
The poor quality and inevitable unreliability of her Russian “Secret Doctrine,” in light of the distorted text from which it was translated, is such that a new Russian translation of “The Secret Doctrine” has had to be made, this time from HPB’s own unaltered and unedited words. The translation of the first volume was completed in 2012 by Vladimir Bazyukin in co-operation with The Theosophical Society – Pasadena.
И под конец "квинтэссенция":
It is a sad thing that the Roerichs did not adhere to or continue with the study of Theosophy but instead followed the knocks and raps in the séance room and listened to either irresponsible spirits or actual members of the Black Lodge in masquerade, who the Masters in “The Mahatma Letters” call “The Brothers of the Shadow,” who pretend to be anything or anyone that the mind of the enquirer wants, and who compiled the texts through distorting what the Roerichs already knew and giving out false promises and expectations which fed and stimulated their inherent ambition, pride, and vanities, leading them eventually in long Himalayan treks, expeditions, and wanderings to nowhere, ever led on by false promises and hopes of finding the mystic Shambhala and becoming its Western agents and chief representatives to the world.
Ну, и в конце мы видим, ради чего все это затевалось --- AGNI YOGA AND “THE NEW RUSSIA”. В принципе, весь бред до этих заключительных слов можно и не читать. Вся суть находится в конце. К сожалению, нет желания делать русский перевод. Но для истории я помещу это здесь:
Intense patriotism can be a dangerous thing, especially when present in the mind and heart of a deluded psychic or one who has unwittingly opened oneself up to questionable influences. The highly Russocentric character and emphasis of the Agni Yoga teachings has been somewhat diluted and filtered out of the English translations of the books but remains in the original Russian texts, alongside the glorification of Lenin and the praise for the achievements of Russian communism.
The very first Agni Yoga book does not begin with the words “Into the New World My first message,” as English language readers have been led to believe but rather “Into the New Russia I send My first message.” Whereas “The Secret Doctrine” teaches that the primary and central location for the next sub-races and Root Race is the United States of America, the Agni Yoga teachings maintain that it will actually be Russia and not America.
One might wonder whether the thousands of Russian adherents of Agni Yoga would still have the same passion and enthusiasm for it if it had been produced by non-Russians and without any mention of or focus on Russia…by an English or Spanish couple for example, rather than a rather prominent Russian couple with Russocentric ideologies. It may well be simply the very fact of its Russian-ness which enchants the Russians so much. If so, this alone should serve as an indication of misplaced motive and misjudged priorities on the part of the students.
Instead of a firm love of Truth and indefatigable urge to reach enlightenment, the Roerichs followed the mirages of the Astral Light. While they had the true Teaching right beside them and even devoted much of their time to the immense work of translating it, instead of deep study of its doctrines they listened to the phantasmagoria of astral whisperers.
The saddest thing of all is that they led into delusion not only themselves but everyone who followed them, like the “blind leaders of the blind” mentioned by Jesus. Like Moses with the Israelites, instead of leading them to the Promised Land, they circled around the desert for 40 years . . .
Many people complain that it is difficult to study the major source texts of Theosophy such as “The Secret Doctrine” or “The Key to Theosophy” or “The Mahatma Letters” and prefer “neo-Theosophical” authors who seem to them more recent and easy to understand.
But the preference is also due to the fact that the work of those writers reflects the old views and prejudices which the reader or student is not quite willing to abandon and discard in favour of pure undefiled Esoteric Philosophy. Further, such writers do not simplify or clarify the teachings of Theosophy but instead they make them much harder to understand, as they entangle them with their own teachings, ideas, beliefs, and personal religious biases, whilst embellishing them with fancy details about the Masters, doubtless gained from the insidious Astral Light, and which are of no real value but simply divert the attention from the main goal and lead into psychism and psychic development instead of the true spiritual unfoldment and evolution.
Nevertheless, the spark of true Theosophy has not been extinguished and is kept alive by the warmth of heart of those who maintain trust and confidence in the Masters and their Devotees, ever ready to share its light with those who are willing to receive it.
Ну что ж, война продолжается. И уже не только санкциями.
Знание -- это только ложное понимание;
незнание -- это всего лишь слепое неведение.

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