Агни Йога (Живая Этика), Теософия, наследие семьи Рерихов, Е.П.Блаватской и их Учителей
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О Aurospecs и Kilnascrene

Запись от VL размещена 12.09.2015 в 15:13
Обновил(-а) VL 28.02.2021 в 01:29
стр 65-68

Кстати о варианте изменения показателя светопреломления при сенсибилизации дицианином. Чем плотнее вещество хрусталика (и возможно других прозрачных сред глаза) - тем сильнее в нем преломляются зелено-фиолетовые лучи. Если под действием световой энергии меняется диэлектрическая и магнитная проницаемость (светопреломление) глазных тканей - они разрежаются - то сине-фиолетовые лучи преломятся не перед сетчаткой, а на сетчатке.

Разреженный воздух преломляет лучи меньше, чем более плотная вода.

14.287. Урусвати знает, что основная огненная энергия делает предметы не только светящимися, но и прозрачными. При сильных феноменах можно наблюдать такую прозрачность, которая как бы противоречит плотности тела. Но такое явление наблюдается редко земным глазом. Нельзя ожидать, чтобы напряжение огненной стихии могло быть обычным. Подобно сильным разрядам электричества такое напряжение может стать даже разрушительным.
Отчего же происходит прозрачность плотных тел? Каждое тело несет в себе огненную энергию. При особых напряжениях эта энергия возгорается и плотность как бы исчезает. Могут спросить – почему такое явление редко? Но к тому две причины: одна заключается в качестве происшедшего напряжения и другая – в свойстве наблюдателя. Невозможно в плотном теле наблюдать столь сильные феномены, может произойти переутомление сердца. Можно на длительных промежутках допустить одно или два наблюдения, но часто перегружать сердце нельзя. Потому и сношения с некоторыми сферами должны быть в пределах бережности.

Люди обычно не понимают такую меру целесообразности. Люди, даже начитанные, не могут допустить, что закон незыблем. За каждое исключение непременно будет заплачено соответственно. Но, тем не менее, феномен огненной энергии наблюдается, и [/b]Урусвати может подтвердить, как прозрачны тела, которые воспламеняются огненной энергией[/b]. Такие явления можно наблюдать в Наших лабораториях, но даже там Мы относимся бережно, теперь особенно.
Мыслитель усовещивал сограждан: "Можете загореться от ненависти. Огонь разлит в жилах ваших".

9.011. При напряженных огненных явлениях можно заметить одно проявление основного качества Огня. Окружающие предметы становятся как бы прозрачными. Вы можете засвидетельствовать это. Огонь как бы претворяет все огненные сущности и открывает светоносную материю, лежащую в основании всего Сущего. То же можно сказать о магните огненного сердца, своеобразно оно открывает огненную природу всего приближающегося. Так можно наблюдать огненные качества через огненное сердце. Только нужно найти это сердце и со всей бережностью приложить его к опыту. При таких опытах нужно помнить, что обнажение светоносной материи может быть чрезвычайно опасно при грубых окружающих условиях. Опасность полного Самадхи зависит от этого же качества Огня. Тем не менее, не противьтесь огненным явлениям, если они не отягощают сердце. Явления в годы Армагеддона, конечно, очень спутаны, ибо ритм Огня Пространства и Огня подземного нарушен. Обычно подобные нарушения ритма не принимаются во внимание, и тем еще больше усиливают космическое смятение.

Нечто подобное могло происходить и при сенсибилизации. Смещение зрение в синюю сторону не означает, что аура виделась на этих частотах. Ее было видно на своих собственных частотах в результате временной модификации зрения. А смещение "центра зрения" к синему - побочный эффект.
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Kilner Screens Perfected
The late Dr. W. J. Kilner, B.A., M.B. (Cantab), M.R.C.P., etc., was the medical electrician at St. Thomas's Hospital, London. He regularly used the dicyanine screen to diagnose disease.
His book, " The Human Atmosphere," created a sensation, because it means that he has discovered a mechanical method of adjusting the focal range of the eye so that previously invisible forces can be seen. This applies particularly to the aura, which is usually shown by artists as a halo around the heads of saints. He also claimed to see an etheric body otherwise known as the spiritual body or psychic organism.
Modern Clairvoyants, who diagnose disease, habitually see the aura, but believe they are specially favoured.
IN OTHER WORDS, Dr. Kilner asserts that NINETY-FIVE
His experiments also proved that regular use of Dicyanine strengthens the sight of presbyopic people.
Some are able to see the aura immediately; others develop the power gradually by accustoming their eyes to a newer focal range by the steady, regular use of " Auro-specs."
The original screen was formed from optically perfect glasses cemented together, enclosing a specially compounded solution of alcoholised dicyanine. The great expense of this combination—two to four guineas being the usual charge— prohibited general use, and led to substitution of coloured water, coloured glass, and gelatines, which, being quite useless for the purpose, brought ridicule upon the subject. To guard against this deception, we have registered the word
and provisionally patented a combination which perfects Dr. Kilner's formula, and so materially reduces the cost, that it is now possible to become a seer yourself at the price usually paid for one seance with a professional clairvoyant. ONE GUINEA ONLY.
Dr. Kilner's " HUMAN ATMOSPHERE," post free 10/6.
As Dr. Kilner's statements are somewhat misleading to the uninitiated, and so much misconception exists on the subject, we have hitherto refused to sell " AUROSPECS " unless purchasers have read his book AND our lessons on clairvoyance and trance, but as the " Psychic News" booklets contain sufficient details for Spiritualists and enquirers we make the following offer to our readers: —
To those who have read "The Human Aura and How to see it," post free 7d., which contains instructions for the use of " Aurospecs,"
Refills of dicyanine, 5/- per pair, plus postage.
5/- (typescript).
After long research we are able now to announce the introduction of a cheap substitute for "Aurospecs." It can be used during diagnosis and delineations, or, like Aurospecs to sensitize the optic nerve before the seance.
"KILNASCRENE" goggles are the nearest possible facsimile in glass to Dr. Kilner's famous dicyanine screens. They possess almost identical spectroscopic markings and therefore produce practically the same result.
Sent post free in Great Britain for 10/- with full instructions for use. Postage extra to foreign countries. International Money Orders should be made payable to H. Boddington, Director of the London Psychic Educational Centre, 17, Ashmere Grove, Acre Lane, London, S.W.2.
The following extracts from unsolicited testimonials tell their own story. There was no sitting for development. These results came almost immediately:—
From A. L. M. Cheshire: " I thank you for ' Aurospecs ' received. I can see the aura very distinctly with the ' Aurospecs ' on. I find that on looking through them at daylight, if the hand is held up to the window, after about three minutes it appears transparent (X-ray effect) and this is an indication that your eyes are sensitised. A very great deal depends upon the correct lighting."
From D. E. C, Southampton: " On looking through the window everything appeared as if covered with snow. Fingers were illuminated and flesh disappeared; only bones were visible. A most interesting experience."
Her sister adds experience as follows: " From the left hand a white mist, stretching to the right about eight inches, while in the left hand I saw a heliotrope-coloured ball of light. Hands kept disappearing and re-appearing. Sparks showed from the top of the left hand." The mother's experience was corroborative.
From Miss E. Т., Wimbledon: " When using ' Aurospecs,' the first colour my eyes registered was a faint green, which enveloped most objects, but the lighter tones, i.e., the painted side of a house, garden paths, seemed intensified, giving appearance of snow. When placing my hands in front of the screen against the cabinet, sparks ascended from the finger tips, also a lightish grey mist outlined and elongated the fingers a distance of about 6 inches. Sparks were also seen when directing finger tips towards the wrist. The bones of the hands were more clearly revealed, also dark patches over the hands. Inside the cabinet the sparks continued, and the mist around the fingers appeared more dense."
Dr. Drysdale Anderson, whose interesting article on the aura appeared on Mar. 14th, 1930, in the Daily Chronicle, wrote us on September 19th, 1929: " You may be interested to know that both my wife and self can make out the aura (through the glasses), but it appeared to be only some three inches thick."
Miss N. Booth, of Birkenhead, wrote on August 14th, 1930: " ... I see my hands quite transparent. I can see right through them . . . and I see a white mist with a faint blue tinge ... a grey with a lot of little sharp points like lights. . . . The other day, after I had looked at the light
and had turned round to inspect my hand, I seemed to see so clearly from the temples of my head, a pinky gold light right round my own body and it looked like those low electric-heater bulbs lit up. . . This proves that (the colour of) the aura changes. And now when I take my class on Tuesdays (I am a circle leader) I see the aura round some of the sitters. ... I saw the other evening a purple colour right round a lady after I had the ' specs' on and come downstairs. ... I feel they are helping me, and certainly are helping my eyesight ... my eyes are much stronger now and do not ache with strain as they used to do."
From Miss Edna May Jones, Canada, April 22nd, 1931: " Dear Sir, about a year ago I purchased ' Aurospecs ' from you. . . . I have had great success in being enabled to see the emanations of auras surrounding articles and proceeding from them in streams, including flowers, metals, finger-tips, etc. A friend of mine, a professor of psychology, wishes to borrow them as a help in convincing his students of the actual existence of the aura ... A little of the liquid has evaporated; can I have this renewed ?"
AUROSPECS are not sold to any agents or to trade houses because heat in course of time evaporates the pure alcohol essential to Dr. Kilner's formula. We refill the glasses at five shillings a pair or send the latest design in lenses in exchange if the complete original set is sent to us with ten shillings and sixpence, plus registration costs in both cases.
Before placing " Aurospecs " on the market we offered to let any member of the London Spiritualist Alliance try them out, free of cost. The following is a report from Mrs. L. M. S. :—
" Haze seen extending about 2 inches all around hands when looked at through the glasses, and in bright daylight with back to window. Also rays joining fingers of the two hands when pointed towards each other. Inside the cabinet, without glasses, the rays joining fingers were seen, but so faintly that they may have been due to imagination."
Others report seeing the electricity in the atmosphere on exceptionally bright days, and the radiations from flowers both by moonlight and sunlight.
To benefit Societies' funds we have given several demonstrations. The success varied from 75 to 100 per cent.
Запись от VL размещена 12.09.2015 в 17:25 VL вне форума
Aura. Kilner screens : (aurospecs) and all about them : practical, explanatory, evidential

Author: Harry Boddington; David Gow
Publisher: London : London Psychic Educational Centre, [1931?]
Запись от VL размещена 12.09.2015 в 17:29 VL вне форума
The Human Atmosphere by Walter J. Kilner
Review by:
The British Medical Journal
Vol. 1, No. 2662 (Jan. 6, 1912), pp. 21-22
Запись от VL размещена 12.09.2015 в 23:04 VL вне форума

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